ESN Córdoba

We are

more than

a team

We are

more than

a team

ESN Córdoba is dedicated to supporting and enriching the experiences of Erasmus students in Córdoba. As part of a global network of volunteers, ESN Córdoba plays a crucial role in helping international students make the most out of their mobility programs. Our motto is «Students Helping Students,» reflecting our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive community.

One of the key ways we achieve this is through our diverse range of activities and events. ESN Córdoba organizes numerous cultural excursions, social gatherings, and educational workshops throughout the year. These events are designed to help students immerse themselves in the local culture, learn about the history and traditions of Córdoba, and build meaningful connections with fellow international students and locals alike. Additionally, we plan various trips and excursions to explore the beautiful surroundings of Córdoba and beyond. From day trips to nearby towns to weekend getaways in other Spanish cities or in another countries, these adventures offer a fantastic opportunity for students to travel, discover new places, and create unforgettable memories.

Beyond the fun and exploration, ESN Córdoba is committed to providing practical support to Erasmus students. Our team of dedicated volunteers is always ready to answer questions, provide guidance, and lend a helping hand whenever needed. We strive to create a supportive community where every student feels at home.

Experiences from our erasmus

Experiences from our volunteers

What are you waiting for?